Editor: Sitemap Writer Pro is an easy-to–use program, fast and efficient, which offers 7 types of sitemaps (Standard Sitemap, Google Image, Google News, Google Video, Google Images, Google Code Search, Google Geo, Google Mobile) to properly index your website, generate an xml sitemap and upload it to ALL Search engines supporting XML sitemaps (Google, Yahoo, Ask.com, Bing (Live.com) and Moreover.com).
It is a must-have-tool for every webmaster and website owner and offers a record of great features that you will benefit from.
*Creation of sitemaps with millions of URLs
*The fastest sitemap crawler in the net
*Seven types of sitemaps
*Automatic creation of index sitemap file
*Up to 40 Integrated Multithread Crawlers
*Unique settings for every website project
*Ready-to-use settings for popular CMS
*User-friendly interface and
*more features